Dataverse 4.12 introduces new APIs and additional File Hierarchy support

This release introduces User Management APIs, the ability to edit the hierarchy of files in a dataset, backend support for Make Data Count, and guidance on best practices for making datasets appear in search engines. Some more on each of these changes: 

  • User Management APIs: Administrators can now merge and rename Dataverse accounts. Merging is especially helpful for managing cases where users change from one institution to another.
  • Editing File Hierarchy: Users can move files to different folders or subfolders within a dataset.  This will allow for easier and more robust export, computation, and dataset navigation.
  • Make Data Count: Dataverse installations can integrate with Make Data Count for data-level metrics. Note that there is not currently a way to view this information through the UI. This will be added in a later release. 
  • Search Engine Best Practices: Updated documentation provides guidance on best practices for allowing search engines to discover and display Dataverse content. 

For a complete list of the 45 features introduced and bugs fixed, please check out the release notes.

Thank you to all the community members who have participated in this release, especially those who have contributed code and contributed their time to user research sessions.

For help with upgrading, installing, or general questions please email or get in touch on the Dataverse Community Group.