
Introduction to Data Citation Principles, at Oxford University, Monday, January 12, 2015

Short presentation by Mercè Crosas on the Data Citation Principles at the FORCE2015 conference in Oxford, in a panel with Maryann Martone Martone, Tim Clark, Anita Bandrowski, Nicole Vasilesky. 

Lean Beans (are made of this): Command pattern vs MVC, at JavaOne Conference, San Francisco, CA, Tuesday, September 30, 2014


When rewriting Dataverse, a popular research data repository system, this session’s speakers and their colleagues decided to use the command pattern rather than the run-of-the-mill MVC. The reason: they want their users to be able to deposit sensitive data sets and thus have tight security. They found that they got more than just security enhancements. In the session, they present a real-world case study and lessons learned, explaining how they adapted the command pattern to Java EE and how it affected the project, from the coding trenches to the management level. They...

Read more about Lean Beans (are made of this): Command pattern vs MVC
Bean Validation: Practical Examples from a Real-World Java EE 7 Application, at JavaOne Conference, San Francisco, CA, Monday, September 29, 2014

JSR 303 / 349 introduced Bean Validation for providing a facility for validating objects, object members, methods, and constructors. In Java EE environments, Bean Validation integrates with Java EE containers and services to enable developers to easily define and enforce validation constraints, enabling the rules to be defined once, rather than wherever they need validation (such as at the UI or API layer). This session briefly introduces the standard concepts of Bean Validation annotations and demonstrates some practical techniques for more-complex needs, such as using custom...

Read more about Bean Validation: Practical Examples from a Real-World Java EE 7 Application
