Dataverse Software 5.11.1 Release

This is a bug fix release of the Dataverse Software. The .war file for v5.11 will no longer be made available and installations should upgrade directly from v5.10.1 to v5.11.1. To do so you will need to follow the instructions for installing release 5.11 using the v5.11.1 war file. (Note specifically the upgrade steps 6-9 from the 5.11 release note; most importantly, the ones related to the citation block and the Solr schema). If you had previously installed v5.11 (no longer available), follow the simplified instructions in the link below.

Release Highlights

Dataverse Software 5.11 contains two critical issues that are fixed in this release.

First, if you delete a file from a published version of a dataset, the file will be deleted from the file system (or S3) and lose its "owner id" in the database. For details, see Issue #8867.

Second, if you are a superuser, it's possible to click "Delete Draft" and delete a published dataset if it has restricted files. For details, see #8845 and #8742.

Notes for Dataverse Installation Administrators

Identifying Datasets with Deleted Files

If you have been running 5.11, check if any files show "null" for the owner id. The "owner" of a file is the parent dataset:

select * from dvobject where dtype = 'DataFile' and owner_id is null;

For any of these files, change the owner id to the database id of the parent dataset. In addition, the file on disk (or in S3) is likely gone. Look at the "storageidentifier" field from the query above to determine the location of the file then restore the file from backup.

Identifying Datasets Superusers May Have Accidentally Destroyed

Check the "actionlogrecord" table for DestroyDatasetCommand. While these "destroy" entries are normal when a superuser uses the API to destroy datasets, an entry is also created if a superuser has accidentally deleted a published dataset in the web interface with the "Delete Draft" button.